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How can I get better sleep?



Sometimes getting a good night’s sleep can seem like an impossible task and we get into such deep ruts that it is difficult to get out. Fortunately, there are many professional therapists out there who can help us get our sleep rhythms back in sync. There are also a number of things you should try to avoid and things you can try to make a positive impact on your sleep tonight.

Getting a good night’s sleep today

There are many different programs designed to improve our sleep by helping us deal with our daytime issues. There is little point (and rarely any joy) in trying to fix our sleep problems directly when stress, inactivity or other issues during the day are the real culprits. Equally, stress management, mind/body techniques, exercise and getting an optimal diet through the day tend to make things run more smoothly at night.

A variety of sedatives can help us get to sleep. These include herbal and over-the-counter preparations and prescription drugs. Although many of these are effective in the short-term, they are not slow solutions; they are not tailored to our individual needs; they help us to avoid our problems, rather than address them; and they can be detrimental to our health and wellbeing in the long-term.

Be selective – do what’s right for you

One of the keys to getting a good night’s sleep is finding a plan we like and can adhere to in the long-term. As Goldilocks learned, it is important to lie on each bed and find the one that best suits our individual needs. The amount of sleep we need in order to feel (and be) well rested varies among individuals, seasons and even over the course of the working week.

So find out about yourself and listen to the feedback. See how you are performing by keeping a log or journal. Do you tend to feel better on Mondays? Are you making it through to the afternoon without flagging?

Follow your progress and set new goals as you go. It is important to follow up your successes and failures. Not everything will work, but when something does and you wake up feeling refreshed, it is worth bottling.

Last Reviewed 02/Mar/2014

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Dr Merlin Thomas

Professor Merlin Thomas is Professor of Medicine at Melbourne’s Monash University, based in the Department of Diabetes. He is both a physician and a scientist. Merlin has a broader interest in all aspects of preventive medicine and ageing. He has published over 270 articles in many of the worlds’ leading medical journals

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