Slow Aging | Healthy living, healthy aging

Skin revitalization using PRP



What are PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections?

Skin is our largest organ and of course the one we see the most on a daily basis. As we age, the decline in skin integrity is often the first thing we notice and dislike.  There’s a whole industry around supporting the youthful look of the skin; skincare products, skin rejuvenation therapies and technologies and of course the growth area of injectibles such as wrinkle relaxants and fillers.

PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections are long lasting and engage your own body’s capacity to renew and regenerate. This procedure uses your own cells for the rejuvenation of your skin.  The procedure has been around since 2003, is safe and typically provides good results in a healthy body.

What is platelet rich plasma?

PRP is a concentration of protein growth factors which are actively secreted by platelets to initiate wound healing. PRP includes three blood proteins – fibrin, fibronectin an vitronectin.

The aim of the procedure is to stimulate and regenerate aged and damaged skin and hypodermal tissues.

What’s involved in the procedure?

The practitioner collects your blood which is then spun in a centrifuge so as to separate out the platelet rich plasma.  The platelets are then injected back into your skin to stimulate new collagen growth.

Once the plasma is collected, it can be injected into the skin in various ways.  In Australia typically practitioners are either injecting it or rolling it into the skin.

How long will PRP last?

Results will depend on the individual. Typically though, 2 to 3 treatments will last up to 18 months.

Last Reviewed 27/Feb/2014

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