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How Osteoarthritis is Diagnosed

Diagnosing Osteoarthritis

Diagnosing Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a complex disease process with cartilage thinning and fibrillation, subchondral sclerosis, and osteophyte (bone spur) development. This prevalent joint condition causes stiffness of the joints, significant pain, limited or impaired function, and decreased mobility (Petersson & Jacobsson, 2002). OA is a chronic disease affecting over 50% of people over the age of 65 years, and around 10% of men and 18% of women have symptomatic OA.

How is Osteoarthritis Diagnosed?

There is progressive destruction of the articular cartilage in OA patients. Physicians use several methods to diagnose people with this disabling joint disease, and the diagnosis is primarily made according to radiographic findings as well as the presence of certain clinical signs and symptoms. Radiologic evaluation of joint images provides a historical view of the damage that has occurred with OA. There are other alternative methods for diagnosis, such as molecular markers and synovial fluid analysis. These diagnostic techniques can be used not just for diagnosis, but also for prognosis and disease progression monitoring. These various diagnostic methods are important for the development of new disease-modifying treatments (DeGroot, Bank, Tchetverikov, Verzijl, & TeKoppele, 2002).

Synovial Fluid Evaluation

Molecular Markers

According to researcher DeGroot and associates (2002), molecular markers are necessary for diagnosis, they reflect actual disease activity, are sensitive to therapy, and predict the disease outcome. Different molecular markers can be used for preclinical studies of OA pathophysiology and for creation of new treatments. Certain genetic markers have been shown to offer essential information on risk factors for the development and progression of OA.

Last reviewed 26/Feb/2014

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Dr Merlin Thomas

Professor Merlin Thomas is Professor of Medicine at Melbourne’s Monash University, based in the Department of Diabetes. He is both a physician and a scientist. Merlin has a broader interest in all aspects of preventive medicine and ageing. He has published over 270 articles in many of the worlds’ leading medical journals

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