Slow Aging | Healthy living, healthy aging

Why Healthy Proteins Equals Health Aging

Selecting Healthy Proteins for the Aging Body

Selecting Healthy Proteins for the Aging Body

Selecting Healthy Proteins for the Aging Body

All protein is digested into amino acids, whether the protein comes from an animal or a plant, so when considering our protein, we are really considering its complement of amino acids, as well other nutrients and toxins that are ingested at the same time. These should be our main concern when looking for protein. “Does it come with fat or calories?” – So we choose the leanest meat. “Can I get it with added vitamin and fibre?” – So substitute plant proteins, or perhaps fish, for your omega-3 dose.

Plant Proteins

Eat a broad range of plant foods ad libitum to support protein and aging

Red Meat

Eat it no more than twice a week

(one serve = 100g or a piece the size of the palm of your hand)


Eat it no more than twice a week

(one serve = 100g, one drumstick or half a small chicken breast)


Eat no more than 7 eggs a week to get your protein


No more than 1 cup per day

(so minimise your milk consumption)

Instead of… Try….
Milk Rice milk, soy milk, almond milk, goat’s milk
Cow’s milk yoghurt Keffir, sheep’s milk yoghurt, soy milk yoghurt
Ice cream Frozen fruit smoothie or sorbet
Cream Coconut cream
Cow’s milk cheese Sheep or goat’s milk cheese.In general hard cheeses are a better alternative if we can tolerate cow’s milk e.g. parmesan.Avoid soft cheeses


Up to 7 serves per week

(1 serve = 100-150g of fish or the size of your palm)


Last Reviewed: 27-Jan-2014

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Whilst wielding a couple of dumbbells in a gym class in 2003, Kate experienced an epiphany around the lack of accepted best practice guidelines when it came to staying well and avoiding disease. Kate realized that she had no chance of slowing her own aging process unless she became better educated about her options.
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