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Aspirin may help men with prostate cancer

Middle-aged couple sitting on floor snuggling and drinking coffee.

Middle-aged couple sitting on floor snuggling and drinking coffee.

A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology shows that taking aspirin is associated with a lower risk of death from prostate cancer, especially in men with high risk disease. The study suggests that men who have been treated for prostate cancer, either with surgery or radiation, could benefit from taking aspirin regularly.

The findings demonstrated that 10-year mortality from prostate cancer was significantly lower in the group taking anticoagulants, compared to the non-anticoagulant group – 3 percent versus 8 percent, respectively. The risks of cancer recurrence and bone metastasis also were significantly lower. Further analysis suggested that this benefit was primarily derived from taking aspirin, as opposed to other types of anticoagulants.

The study looked at almost 6,000 men in the Cancer of the Prostate Strategic Urologic Research Endeavor (CaPSURE) database who had prostate cancer treated with surgery or radiotherapy.

About 2,200 of the men involved – 37 percent – were receiving anticoagulants (warfarin, clopidogrel, enoxaparin, and/or aspirin). The risk of death from prostate cancer was compared between those taking anticoagulants and those who were not.


K. S. Choe, J. E. Cowan, J. M. Chan, P. R. Carroll, A. V. D’Amico, S. L. Liauw. Aspirin Use and the Risk of Prostate Cancer Mortality in Men Treated With Prostatectomy or Radiotherapy. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2012.

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UT Southwestern Medical Center

Last Reviewed 27/Feb/2014

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