
Described by 9 to 5 magazine as the “master of make up”; beautyheaven.com as the “international make-up extraordinaire” and Jetstar Magazine as “THE Beauty Expert”; Andrew Christie is a cosmetics industry specialist with over 15 years professional experience.

A paramedically qualified skin therapist, film and editorially trained make-up and hair artist, Andrew’s creative work has graced the catwalks for many Australian designers including Camilla and Marc and Allanah Hill, appeared in written media including Marie Claire and Vybe magazines and on stage and screen including the cult indy film “The Coven”. Andrew has also made regular appearances as an industry commentator on Channel 9 and Foxtel’s Lifestyle Channel. TV celebrities including Catriona Rowntree and Naomi Robson and supermodel Shoona Stanes have relied both on Andrew’s expert make-up hands and intricate skin maintenance knowledge.

Andrew has worked as a skin expert for over 30 leading international brands including his own range.

Andrew is currently the co-Managing Director of Skinstitut Australia.

Blog entries by Andrew Christie

  • Waist-to-hip ratio (WTH) – are you an apple or a pear?

    Being fat is the biggest predictors of an unhappy demise when it comes to aging. It’s more though than just ‘fat’, it’s how the fat is distributed. One of the simplest..Read more

    Being fat is the biggest predictors of an unhappy demise when it comes to aging. It’s more though than just ‘fat’, it’s how the fat is distributed. One of the simplest ways to look at your risk is to check your waist-to-hip ratio (WTH). A pear-shaped body is considered to have a healthier waist to […]

  • Training zones – getting the BEST ROI on your exercise

    If you are anything like me, you hate wasting time and are looking for the best return on investment (ROI) on your exercise efforts. As a result, to drive my training efforts ..Read more

    If you are anything like me, you hate wasting time and are looking for the best return on investment (ROI) on your exercise efforts. As a result, to drive my training efforts I train to my heart rate and target ideal training zones.

  • Oily fish and diabetes prevention

    Omega-3, oily fish and diabetes prevention

    Experts recommend people with diabetes consume a serve of oily fish 2-3 times a week. Here we explain why, and options for those who d..Read more

    Experts recommend people with diabetes consume a serve of oily fish 2-3 times a week. Here we explain why, and options for those who don't like it.

  • DEXA Scanning for Body Composition

    What is Body Composition?

    'Body composition' is a description of what the body is made of and which includes fat, protein, minerals an..Read more

    This fact sheet explains how a DEXA test can be used to measure body composition, particularly what percentage of fat there is in the body.

  • Fear & successful aging

    Successful aging: dealing with fear & taming the mind

    Some women navigate the treacherous waters of aging with alacrity and claim to feel liberated as they age. Unfortunately, not me. <..Read more

    Our view of aging is driven from fear. Successful aging is about identifying our fears, the thoughts that feed the fear and implementing health practices that set us up for abundance.

  • This is why gut health is so important

    Gut health – an overview

    When we speak of the ‘gut’, we’re referring to the digestive system in your body that starts from your esophagus and stomach and runs all the way down throug..Read more

    How understanding your second brain and maintaining good gut health can help prevent diseases as you age.

  • I don’t want to act my age

    Is there a problem with aging?

    The realization of aging can bring up all sorts of things. Positive and negative. Some women seem to embrace this important life transition easily and slide ea..Read more

    The realization of aging can bring up all sorts of things. Positive and negative. Some women seem to embrace this important life transition easily and slide easily into a seemingly preordained role of 'wise woman' or whatever title they care to give themselves. I only know a few of these women.

  • Why am I invisible over fifty?

    What's with the invisible woman thing?! Am I imagining it?

    Why do I feel invisible? Am I invisible now I'm fifty? Is that younger women in the queue really getting preferential treatment? ..Read more

    Many of us worry about being invisible over 50. But does this matter? Maybe this is the stimulus we need to roar into what we need to be when we finally get over 50!

  • Manage the andropause

    What is the andropause?

    Andropause is a normal part of aging for men, who see a gradual decline in testosterone levels, but there are ways to manage the andropause and maintain wellbeing and..Read more

    Andropause is a normal part of aging for men, who see a gradual decline in testosterone levels. Learn how to manage the andropause here.

  • Testing testosterone levels

    What is testosterone?

    Testosterone is essential for normal sexual development and function in both men and women, and testing testosterone levels is sometimes required if you’re showing si..Read more

    Having adequate testosterone levels is vital for health and wellbeing in both men and women. Find out what is involved in testing testosterone levels here.

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