Optimizing brain performance is easier than you think

If you are unsure of how to boost your brain performance as you age, here are some top tips:

  1. Increase your physical activity:
    • Try a cardio class at your local gym
    • Have a session with a personal trainer or exercise physiologist
    • Walk to the shops or to work instead of driving
    • Go for a weekend bike ride with your family
    • Throw a Frisbee in your local park
  2. Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids – a high intake of trans-fats and saturated fats is associated with increased rates of cognitive decline, so increase your intake of fish, fish oils, nuts and omega-3 supplements
  3. Eat a ‘rainbow’ of fresh fruits and vegetables daily to ensure your brain gets access to valuable antioxidants
  4. Try a new recreational pursuit – go camping if you are typically city-bound
  5. Keep challenging your brain – do the crossword, a puzzle, start a Bridge course, read regularly, play word association games – whatever mental activities you choose, keep your brain working on a daily basis
  6. Keep engaging in new activities:
    • Learn a new language
    • Read up on a novel subject
    • Enroll in a TAFE or university course
  7. Manage stress – find time to relax and make constructive lifestyle changes that help prevent stress
  8. Try a yoga class
  9. Start meditation – doing 5 minutes in the morning and evening is a good start
  10. See a counselor or psychologist regularly to debrief
  11. Get a massage or facial on a weekly or fortnightly basis
  12. Try rhythmic breathing such as Buteko Breathing
  13. Get quality sleep – if your sleep habits are poor, make changes to improve them
  14. Take up gardening – even if you live in an apartment you can do gardening in a pot
  15. Book in for a series of neuro-feedback sessions to enhance feelings of wellbeing
  16. Buy an AVE system and give your brain a boost: go to www.mindalive.com for a reputable brand

Last reviewed 18/Sep/2016


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